Recently, I was asked to make some changes to lots of users in Active Directory. For output, they wanted a log of everything that was changed and a log of where changes failed. Of course, I wanted a third log with verbose output of everything that was happening so, if need be, I could go back and fix anything.
Another thing I wanted to do was not write 5 times a second. Rather than slow down the process of making changes to users, I wanted to collect strings for the logs and write out every time I collected X number of strings.
To do this, I created a new Type using C# code. I’ve been reading Windows PowerShell for Developers (Dougals Finke) which has been an eye-opener to say the least.
Here is the code I came up with…
Add-type -TypeDefinition @"
using System.Collections;
public class Logger {
public System.Collections.ArrayList Entries;
public int Count;
public int MaxLines;
public string LogFile;
public Logger(){
Entries = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
Count = 0;
MaxLines = 5;
LogFile = "";
public void Add(string str)
if (Count >= MaxLines)
private void AppendLog()
if (! ([string]::isNullOrEmpty(LogFile)) )
using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(LogFile, true))
foreach (string entry in Entries)
Count = 0;
public void Flush()
public void setLogFile(string file)
LogFile = file;
public void setMaxLines(int max)
MaxLines = max;
This type compiles a “Logger” object which has a few properties and a few methods.
Logger Properties
Type | Name | Description |
Int | count | the count of strings currently collected |
Int | MaxLines | Number of lines (strings) to collect before being forced to write to the file. |
Sting | LogFile | the logfile to write to (including path). |
Logger Methods
Name | Description |
Logger (Constructor) | Sets default values for the object |
Add | Adds a string to the object. All strings will be stored until either a “flush” command is called or the ‘maxLines’ limit is reached. |
AppendLog | Appends the collection of strings to the specified log file |
Flush | Writes all currently collected strings to the log file. |
SetLogFile | Sets the logfile to be written to. |
SetMaxLines | Sets the maximum number of lines to store until being forced to write to the log file. |
Example usage
PS C:\> $logger = new-object logger
PS C:\> $logger |ft -auto
Entries Count MaxLines LogFile
------- ----- -------- -------
{} 0 5
PS C:\> $logger.setMaxLines(10)
PS C:\> $logger |ft -auto
Entries Count MaxLines LogFile
------- ----- -------- -------
{} 0 10
PS C:\> (1..9) |% { $logger.Add("$_") }
PS C:\> $logger |ft -auto
Entries Count MaxLines LogFile
------- ----- -------- -------
{1, 2, 3, 4...} 9 10
PS C:\> $logger.setLogFile("C:\temp\log02.log")
PS C:\> $logger.Add("end")
PS C:\> $logger |ft -auto
Entries Count MaxLines LogFile
------- ----- -------- -------
{} 0 10 C:\temp\log02.log
PS C:\> gc $logger.LogFile
PS C:\>
As a result of this, I was able to add this type to the script I was creating and create 3 logger objects:
# Debug logging
$logVerbose = new-object Logger
# Change logging
$logChanges = new-object Logger
# Failed changes logging
$logFailedChanges = new-object Logger
Logging to any one log was easy, just use the example above. If I wanted to log to all the logs, like setting the start point for the running of the script I would do something like this:
$commonLogString = (& $logPrefix ) + ""
$commonLogString += (& $logPrefix ) + "***********************`r`n"
$commonLogString += (& $logPrefix ) + "SCRIPT START`r`n"
$commonLogString += (& $logPrefix ) + "***********************`r`n"
$commonLogString += (& $logPrefix ) + "`r`n"
$commonLogString += (& $logPrefix ) + "Script Options:`r`n"
$commonLogString += (& $logPrefix ) + "-----------------------`r`n"
$commonLogString += (& $logPrefix ) + "Option 1: $Opt1`r`n"
$commonLogString += (& $logPrefix ) + "Option 2: $Opt2`r`n"
$commonLogString += (& $logPrefix ) + "Option 3: $Opt3`r`n"
$commonLogString += (& $logPrefix ) + "-----------------------`r`n"
#$commonLogString += (& $logPrefix ) + "`r`n"
The $logPrefix was a scriptblock I specified earlier on as
$logPrefix = {get-date -format "[ MM/dd/yy HH:mm:ss ] "}
This way each line would have a date/time header.